מחקר בנושא – "פסיכותרפיה בטבע"

כחלק מלימודי התואר השני של עמית בן-דוד הוא חקר את "חזרתו של המטפל אל הטבע". המחקר מעניק הצצה אודות תמות אשר מעסיקות את המטפלים ביציאה אל המרחב הטבעי ובנוסף, נותן מידע אודות ההיסטוריה של תחום הפסיכותרפיה בטבע ושאלות מהותיות הקשורות לשיטת טיפול זו.

מודל מעגלי הנוחות

The comfort zone model is widespread within adventure education literature. It is based on the belief that when placed in a stressful situation people will respond by overcoming their fear and therefore grow as individuals. This model is often presented to participants prior to activities with a highly perceived sense of risk and challenge which […]


On March 26, 1999, I presented a paper, “Ecopsychology: Where does it fit in psychology” at the annual psychology conference at Malaspina University College. I posted the paper on my website and, somewhat to my surprise, it has proven to be quite popular. There have been frequent hits and downloads and it has been posted […]

פסיכולוגיה טראנספרסונלית

Transpersonal ecology-the idea of the this-worldly realization of as expansive a sense of self as possible-refers to a psychologically based approach to ecophilosophical problems. This idea raises the interesting question of how we might conceive of the most widely recognized approaches to ecophilosophy (i.e., instrumental and intrinsic value theory approaches) in psychological rather than axiological […]

תרפיה בטבע

Watching a sunset, courting under a full moon, strolling hand in hand along the seashore or picnicking together in a park: these are experiential contexts in which couples create and build relationships. Camping in the forest, week-ending by the beach, or holidaying in a scenic spot are experiences that can both sustain and enhance the […]